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Uveitis refers to a group of eye conditions that cause inflammation inside the eye. There are several different causes of uveitis including infections, autoimmune diseases (like rheumatoid arthritis and sarcoidosis), genetic predilection, and trauma.

Often however, there is no underlying cause found (in about 50% of patients) for uveitis.


What are the symptoms of uveitis?


Iritis is the most common form of uveitis and it is where there is inflammation in the front part of the eye (also called anterior uveitis). Iritis symptoms include eye redness, pain, blurred vision and light sensitivity. Treatment of iritis initially involves steroid eye drops and ointment, and drops that dilate the pupil. Most patients settle very rapidly with this treatment.

Uveitis may also affect the back part of the eye (intermediate uveitis and posterior uveitis). In addition to the above symptoms, patients may also notice floaters (multiple black dots) with this type of uveitis. As well as eye drops, treatment may also involve steroid tablets or injections around the eye for this condition.

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